STOCKMEIER Holding SE, Bielefeld
Am Stadtholz 37
33609 Bielefeld

+49 521 / 3037-0
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CASE Newsletter 01/2024

On the way to a sustainable future together

Dear customers,

first of all, we would like to thank you for your support and loyalty. Your trust means a great deal to us.

In our new newsletter, we would like to present some exciting topics. We will give you an insight into our partnership with Spolchemie and present the sustainable EnviPOXY® product group. We will also shed light on the subject of anti-graffiti coatings and our new Aprinol product group.

In this issue, we would also like to introduce our new Product Manager Kevin Galka. He will play a key role in our team and will be responsible in particular for liaising with our suppliers.


STOCKMEIER Chemie: On the way to a sustainable future together

For the Stockmeier family, sustainability is not only at the heart of everything we do, but is also an integral part of our corporate philosophy. We firmly believe that companies play an important role in bringing about positive change in the world. We are actively committed to minimizing our environmental footprint.

For us, sustainability is not just a trend, but a long-term commitment. As part of our commitment to transparency and communication, we encourage you to sign up for our online newsletter. There we will keep you regularly updated on our latest product innovations and industry trends.

We firmly believe that together we can make a difference. By signing up to our newsletter online, you will become part of a community of people working towards a more sustainable future.

Sign up for our newsletter today and become part of our mission to create a world where business and the environment are in harmony.

Anti-graffiti paint

Graffiti, an often underestimated problem, can have far-reaching consequences that go beyond mere aesthetics. In 2022, over 100,000 cases of damage to property caused by graffiti were registered in Germany alone, although the actual figure is probably even higher.

However, the effects of graffiti go beyond the purely visual. Spray paints in particular can not only damage surfaces, but also lead to serious problems such as the destruction of insulation layers or moisture damage, which can result in the formation of mold indoors.

To prevent such damage, it is crucial to use effective anti-graffiti systems. These should enable easy cleaning after the graffiti has been applied, offer low follow-up costs with long durability and cause no damage to the substrate.

In general, two different systems can be distinguished:

  • temporary protective coatings (layer is washed off with the graffiti)
  • permanent protective coatings (prevent adhesion of the graffiti paint and thus enable easy cleaning)

Many permanent anti-graffiti paints on the market are based on 2-component systems, but a 1-component coating is also possible. Due to its chemistry, the 1-component coating promises excellent adhesion to a wide variety of substrates. The curing reaction takes place in a wide temperature range by means of air humidity.

At 25 °C, the coating is tack-free after approx. 80 minutes and fully cured after seven days.

As with all anti-graffiti coatings, cleaning should be carried out as quickly as possible. As a rule, 80 bar and cold water are sufficient for cleaning; for older graffiti, warm water and a mild detergent may be required.

A different approach is taken with Lorama's directional formulation. It is applied as a sacrificial layer and washed off with the graffiti. The basis of this coating is boiled linseed oil and the polysaccharide resin Lorama LPR 76, which was already presented in our first issue. By varying the ratio of the two film formers, the service life of the coating, which is up to 18 months, and any cleaning work required can be customized. One advantage for many users will be the high proportion of renewable raw materials, but also the ability to remove the coating again if necessary.

Due to the oxidative hardening process, this system only becomes tack-free overnight. A high-pressure cleaner with a hot water connection is recommended for washing off.

In addition to these two systems, there are other ways of protecting surfaces from graffiti, e.g. by adding additives. There is no one solution for all, but we are happy to help you find your solution.

Our Aprinol range

Are you already familiar with our new Aprinol range? It is a versatile surfactant that enables combined dynamic wetting and molecular defoaming in aqueous paints and coatings. This product range can be used in automotive coatings, industrial coatings, printing inks, facade paints, lubricants and paper coatings. The special features of these materials are their dynamic surface tension and excellent foam control.

ProductSolids (%)SolventsCAS number
APRINOL 104100no LM; wax melting point at > 54 °C126-86-3
APRINOL 104 E50Ethylene glycol126-86-3
APRINOL 104 H75Ethylene glycol126-86-3
APRINOL 104 PG5050Propylene glycol126-86-3
APRINOL 420100no LM; ethoxylated9014-85-1
APRINOL 440100no LM; ethoxylated9014-85-1
APRINOL 465100no LM; ethoxylated9014-85-1
APRINOL 485100no LM; ethoxylated9014-85-1
APRINOL 2502100no LM; polymer182211-02-5

Would you like to find out more about the Aprinol range? You are welcome to contact our specialist Mr. Hussin:

Sustainability meets top performance: EnviPOXY®


In a world increasingly focused on sustainability and environmental protection, we proudly present our EnviPOXY® product range. This range of epoxy resins combines first-class performance with a high proportion of renewable (bio-based) raw materials, setting new standards for environmentally conscious action. EnviPOXY® has a 50% lower CO2 footprint than conventional epoxy resin.

Our EnviPOXY® is based on glycerine, a renewable raw material. This decision enables us to integrate an astonishing proportion of up to 33.5% renewable raw materials into our resin formulations. An important partner in this development is our supplier Spolchemie. By working with Spolchemie, we have access to high-quality materials and technical expertise that enables us to develop innovative solutions that meet both our high quality standards and sustainability requirements.

The EnviPOXY® product range offers a variety of variants that can be used for different applications:

EnviPOXY® 510
An unmodified, liquid epoxy resin based on bisphenol A with a renewable content of up to 33.5%. This resin is perfect for use in the construction industry, as a replacement for LER F in modifications and for corrosion protection and protective coatings.

EnviPOXY® 520
This resin offers outstanding performance in anti-corrosion and protective coatings and modifications and also contains up to 33.5% renewable raw materials.

EnviPOXY® 525 and EnviPOXY® 530
Both variants are ideal for modifications, adhesives and composites and offer a renewable content of up to 33.5%.

For more information about EnviPOXY® and our partnership with Spolchemie, please do not hesitate to contact us. Simply contact us at:

5 questions to ...

Kevin Galka

1. What inspired you to apply for this position and become part of our team?

My career to date has been in online retail. After nine years in the company, it was time for me to make a career change to get to know other fields of activity and working methods. During my job search, I came across STOCKMEIER, a company I had never heard of before. However, from the application process to the present day, the company has impressed me as an attractive employer.

2. What experience and skills do you have that you consider particularly valuable for this position?

A quick grasp and an eye for the big picture are essential in product management. Success depends on different departments working in symbiosis towards a common goal. Combining these different requirements to generate an optimal overall package for customers and suppliers is important for success.

3. What are your first impressions of our team and the corporate culture?

Positive throughout. The team gave me a warm welcome and helps me to develop every day. The working atmosphere is very professional. The mix of motivated business people and technicians helps me personally on a daily basis.

4. What goals or projects would you like to tackle in your new role as a product manager?

To provide the best possible support for sales through portfolio management and strategic purchasing. As a product manager, I am a central point of contact for sales and supplier partners, connecting supply and demand.

5. What do you like to do in your free time to balance out your working day?

In 2022, I discovered motorcycling as a way to balance out my day-to-day work.

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The information on products and applications is intended to provide our customers with information and suggestions. They do not imply any legal assurance of certain properties of the products or their suitability for a specific application. Our application advice, information or recommendations are given to the best of our knowledge and can only be given without obligation. They do not release the buyer from testing our products for their suitability for the intended applications and purposes. The contents of this newsletter correspond to our current state of knowledge and do not claim to be complete.