* NOI = Natural Origin Index according to ISO 16128

Aprilan AOS 38
Upcycling Beauty
Our portfolio has more upcycled ingredients to offer, giving forward-thinking manufacturers the opportunity to follow this trend and develop innovative cosmetic products.
Marketing Manager Personal Care & HouseholdContact

Viktoria Regula
Laboratory & Technical Marketing Manager
+49 521 / 3037-0
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The information on products and applications is intended to provide our customers with information and suggestions. They do not imply any legal assurance of certain properties of the products or their suitability for a specific application. Our technical advice, information and recommendations are given to the best of our knowledge and are not binding. They do not release the buyer from testing our products for their suitability for the intended applications and purposes. The contents of the of this newsletter correspond to our current state of knowledge and do not claim to be complete.