Dear customers,
Today you are receiving the first issue of our Personal Care Newsletter 2024. Please explore the latest trade fair concept CIRCULAR STOCKMEIER – the beauty of distribution! Find out more about upcycled ingredients formulated in CIRCULAR BEAUTY formulations, encompassed by our all-round service, and coordinated by our European Personal Care Team – your contact persons.
We look forward to welcoming you personally at our booth 1M130 at in-cosmetics in Paris.
Your STOCKMEIER Personal Care Team
Upcycled Ingredients for CIRCULAR BEAUTY Cosmetics
1. Emollients, Vegetable Oils and Waxes
Many of our vegetable oils are obtained from side streams of food production. Rosehip Seed Oil is pressed from kernels left over from jam production, just as apricot kernel oil is made from kernels from dried fruit production. Texiterra® Grape Seed Oil and Texiterra® Raspberry Seed Oil from our partner Scott Bader are made from by-products of the food and beverage industry. The manufacturer Caroi'Line processes EXOLIVE® Squalane from the press cake of virgin olive oil production. EXOSIL®, an emollient with silicone-like properties, is obtained in a similar way. EXOLIVE® Wax, which can be used as a consistency agent in cosmetic formulations, also has the same origin.
2. Powders from plant remains and mineral materials
Nutshells and kernels are by-products that were simply disposed of in the past. Through upcycling, a granulate is produced on this basis. It can be used as an exfoliant in cosmetics, and thus returned to the production cycle. Olive Stone Granules and Texiterra® Sweet Almond Exfoliant are good examples of valuable circular raw materials with enormous potential. Also powders that are recycled from minerals belong in this category. Natural Marble Powder which is produced from marble extraction can be used as a texturiser with a matting effect.
Origin of upcycled ingredients
Primary Industry: Food and Feed
3. Plant Extracts and Active Ingredients
The side streams of the food and beverage industry offer countless opportunities for obtaining extracts and active ingredients for cosmetics. Our partner ZUPLEX is presenting two extracts on this topic: RosaVive based on rosehip fruit, which is a by-product of oil production, and also Bao-Active C based on fruit powder is another example. Our partner Alina has developed ALINA LST, an upcycled extract from larch bark that can support the formation and strengthening of collagen fibres. The preservative manufacturer Chemipol offers broad-spectrum antimicrobial additives. SENSICARE® NAT is based on various upcycled citrus extracts. Another multifunctional active ingredient that positively supports the skin microbiome is Inulin, sustainably extracted from chicory roots. In its refined form, Hydroxypropyltrimonium Inulin is a novel cationic inulin polymer with a conditioning and static reduction properties.
4. Biosurfactants, Polyols and Glycols
Wheatoleo is a French company that has always specialised in biorefinery of innovative surfactants. APPYCLEAN 6505 C and SOPHOROLIPID ECO S are used as solubilisers and mild surfactants in cosmetic formulations. The lipophilic part of these surfactants comes from European agricultural waste. Sugars derived from lignocellulosic by-products are used for the polar molecular part. Various opportunities can be obtained from the side stream of sugar production as a source of Natural Betaine and Inositol. Another polyol is Xylitol, which could originate from the residues of paper production. These humectants protect a cosmetic product from drying out and deliver energy for cells and skin. The moisturiser Glycerine is a component of almost all skin care products. It is the main by-product of the biofuel production. Further, it is the starting material for vegetable Propylene Glycol. Vegetable Pentylene Glycol is a solvent obtained from corn and sugar cane bagasse. The multifunctional Propanediol is produced biotechnologically from corn starch by fermentation.
Our portfolio contains even more raw materials for CIRCULAR BEAUTY. Future-oriented manufacturers gain the opportunity to formulate innovative and sustainable cosmetic products to the market. Are you looking for upcycled ingredients? Your STOCKMEIER contact will be happy to assist you.
Origin of upcycled ingredients
CIRCULAR STOCKMEIER – available around Europe
STOCKMEIER Personal Care connects and internationalises our commonalities, individually and locally, and is a rock solid in Europe! We are pleased to present our team at CIRCULAR STOCKMEIER. A complete portfolio with specialities and upcycled ingredients for cosmetic applications across Europe.

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