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Ecogreen Oleochemicals
All products are also available as MB goods according to RSPO. The GTCC grades are available on a coconut oil basis as an alternative to palm (kernel) oil.

Formulation: Moisturizing Cream Body Cleanser
A Pre-mix glycerol and natrosol and fill up with water. Heat the phase to 70-75°C.
B Weigh into a separate container and heat to 70-75°C as well. Then add the fat phase (B) to the water phase (A) and homogenise well.
C Stir in evenly at 60°C.
D Stir in evenly at 45°C and fill into crucibles while still warm. Allow to cool.
Silicones improve the efficacy and sensory properties of formulations. For me, this is what makes a smart cosmetic product!
Product ManagerContact

Katrin Hoppe
Product Manager
+49 521 / 3037-265
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